Natalia Forrat
Russian Civil Society Before, During, and After the War with Ukraine.
Conference memo presented at the workshop "The Autocratic Challenge to Liberal Democracy and the Future of Global Development: The World 20 Years After the Founding of CDDRL."
Natalia Forrat
(with Laura Adams and Zack Medow)
How Civic Mobilizations Grow in Authoritarian Contexts. Research report. Freedom House.
The report examines 21 recent examples of these movements in authoritarian countries to determine the factors that helped or hindered their growth. These factors include whether these movements are led by new or established opposition members, how mobilization campaigns frame their cause, and the roles played by diasporas, the internet, and repression.
Natalia Forrat 2022
Civil Society in Russia: Compliance with and Resistance to the State. In Russian Politics Today: Stability and Fragility, ed. Susanne A. Wengle. Cambridge University Press.
Russian citizens view the state simultaneously as their leader and their oppressor. They want their state to be a strong, benevolent, and fair leader, but just as often they feel mistreated by it. In post-Soviet Russia, Vladimir Putin’s government has used the desire of Russians to have a strong and fair state as a leader in order to coopt civil society. It created incentives for civil society organizations to pursue their causes through cooperation with state officials rather than through demanding accountability and confronting the state. Russian civil society organizations face a choice whether to accept such offers and collaborate with the state or not, weighing the benefits and repercussions of both paths. This chapter discusses Russia’s civil society in the context of this choice, separating the “collaborating” and the “resisting” parts of it, considers their role in Russian politics, and demonstrates the forces inside civil society that contribute to the stability and fragility of the Putin regime.
Natalia Forrat 2021
This bibliography includes select academic sources published in the last two decades that shed light on civic mobilization in authoritarian contexts. The included studies focus on mobilization episodes that took place after World War II. Their primary interest is the mobilization from below rather than the politics at the elite-level or mobilization that is driven by the elite-level politics.
Natalia Forrat 2018
“Shock‐Resistant Authoritarianism: Schoolteachers and Infrastructural State Capacity in Putin’s Russia.”
Comparative Politics. 50 (3): 417‐449.
Natalia Forrat 2016
“The Political Economy of Russian Higher Education: Why Does Putin Support Research Universities?” Post‐Soviet Affairs. 32 (4): 299–337.
Book Reviews
Natalia Forrat 2020
Karrie J. Koesel, Valerie Bunce, and Jessica Chen Weiss, Eds. Citizens and the State in Authoritarian Regimes: Comparing China and Russia. Journal of Chinese Political Science (2020). (download here the unofficial version)
Media Publications in English
Towards a fairer Russian collectivism,, May 16, 2024.
Turning the Soviet Ethos into a Democracy Cause: Lessons From the 2020 Belarus Mobilization. February 2023. PONARS Eurasia Policy Memo No. 828.
How Russian university administrations were tamed by the state. Riddle. December 13, 2019.
Media Publications in Russian
Государство - это родитель, который вас бьет. Новая Газета Европа. 28 марта 2023 г.
Чем авторитаризм в России похож на домашнее насилие? Социолог Наталья Форрат — об абьюзивных отношениях россиян с властью.
Россия: деканов - выбирают, директоров - назначают. Eurasianet. 29 мая 2020 г.
Как российские университеты встроились в вертикаль власти. Riddle. 13 декабря 2019 г.
Фальсификаторы по указке: как учителей сделали электоральной опорой Кремля. 19 января 2019 г.